Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Policeman surprises woman by returning fortune lost in waterArab News

JEDDAH: It can be argued that floods and other calamities can bring out the worst in men, due to the looting that often occurs in the aftermath of such disasters. Fatima Al-Ghamdi, however, has a different story to tell.
On that fateful day when the flashfloods wreaked havoc in Quwaizah neighborhood, Fatima, a woman approaching her 60s, ventured out into the heavy downpour holding her sick husband’s hands looking for a safe place.
She had put all her cash and jewels worth more than SR500,000 in a small suitcase, which she carried in her left hand. The water was rising and it was becoming increasingly difficult for her husband to walk steadily against the current.
“If I did not hold him firmly with both my hands he would fall and the floodwaters would wash him away. I had no time to think. I just dropped the suitcase and looked the other way to avoid watching all my valuables disappear in the flood. My husband was dearer to me than anything else in the world,” Fatima told Al-Madinah newspaper.
She said she was happy they could reach a safe place without any incident. They were provided with a temporary apartment in another part of the city.
“But we were left penniless. At times I thought about the lost jewelry but I suppressed them as my husband was more valuable to me,” she said.
However, 11 days after the flood her husband received a call from a stranger. The man said he had come across a suitcase that had a paper with Fatima’s name on it and he wanted to return it.
“I did not believe in my wildest dreams that the valuables carried away by the flood would be returned to me. I thought that the man might have stumbled upon a battered suitcase and all its contents might have scattered in the flood or anyone who might have discovered it would have stolen them,” she said.
But the jewelry box was returned to her and none of its contents was missing.
Aun Al-Ghamdi, a policeman, was the man who found the suitcase. He apologized to them for the delay in returning the box. He said he had tried for 10 days to get their address. He said the suitcase flowed into his car, which was submerged on a road three kilometers from the Quwaizah neighborhood.
“I was on my way to Makkah on Nov. 25 when I ran into the flashflood. In fact, I rescued some people. But as the water was very high, I could not go ahead anymore. I also took the suitcase with me,” he said.
He said he opened the box out of curiosity and was dazzled by its glittering contents. When he found the bank paper with Fatima’s name on it he contacted the bank. The manager refused to give any information for data protection purposes. After 10 days he finally relented and gave Al-Ghamdi Fatima’s telephone number.
Overcome by gratitude, the couple presented him with a check for a large sum of money, but he refused to take it, saying he preferred a reward from the Almighty.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Toyota to start selling plug-in hybrids in 2011

Toyota showed its new plug-in hybrid Monday and promised the green vehicle for sale to regular consumers in 2011 at an "affordable" price.
The plug-in Prius is the first from Toyota Motor packed with a more powerful lithium-ion battery that's different from the batteries used in Prius hybrids on roads today. A plug-in is even friendlier to the environment than the regular Prius because it travels longer as an electric vehicle.
Toyota leads rivals in hybrids, especially in Japan, where government incentives have made the Prius a top-seller for months.


Public sector to remain open on Thursday since Islamic New Year falls on Friday

Dubai: Federal and government organisations will remain open on Thursday, December 17, since the Islamic New Year begins on Friday.
According to a circular issued by Humaid Mohammad Al Qutami, Minister of Education and Chairman of the Federal Human Resources Authority, the public sector will resume work on Sunday, December 20, and will not get a holiday in lieu if a public holiday falls in the weekend or coincides with another official holiday.

GulfNews Link

First 4G Mobile Network Launches

For all of you waiting for mobile data networks to catch up to broadband speeds on cable and DSL, the first 4G/LTE network has arrived . . . in Sweden (and Norway too). The Scandinavians get everything first when it comes to mobile, except the iPhone. TeliaSonera launched the first two cities of its 4G network, which promises wireless download speeds of up to 100 megabits per second (yeah, right) using equipment from Ericsson and Huawei.


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Batteries Made from Regular Paper

Ordinary paper can be turned into a battery electrode simply by dipping it into carbon-nanotube inks. The resulting electrodes, which are strong, flexible, and highly conductive, might be used to make cheap energy storage devices to power portable electronics.

It's now possible to print lightweight circuits and screens for electronics like e-readers, but conventional batteries still weigh these devices down. Carbon nanotubes are a promising material for printing batteries because, in addition to their strength, light weight, and conductivity, they can store a large amount of energy--a quality that helps portable electronics run longer between charges.


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

10 Weirdest Protests Around the World

Protesters in Brussels have found a new way to show their displeasure: squirting milk straight from a cow at riot police. Farmers angered by collapsing milk prices demonstrated, pelting police with bottles and chickens and spraying officers with milk directly from a cow's udders. Over 2,500 farmers from across the EU blockaded the area outside the European Union's headquarters, burning tires and hay outside an emergency meeting of farm ministers. The jittery cow, frightened by firecrackers, sprang loose and chased an office worker down the street. The city has a history of violent protests by farmers, although throwing milk from a cow is more funny than violent

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

7 Highly Successful High School Dropouts

It’s a common belief in America these days that without a high school diploma, you have no future. This opinion may be true to some extent, but it’s certainly not a hard and fast rule. There are a lot of highly successful people in this world who never even completed high school.
One of these successful people is Flava Flav, who dropped out of school when he was only 13, although, admittedly, it shows. He’s now planning to return to school to get his G.E.D., and the ordeal may even become a reality show on VH1. He’s not the only celebrity that dropped out of high school and still did well though. In fact, some high school dropouts are actually pretty brilliant.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

How to Avoid the Flu at University

Colleges and universities are often hit hard by outbreaks of flu viruses. Dorms, classrooms and constant interaction with other students make it hard to avoid the spread of germs and the flu virus. The H1N1 flu virus can remain alive and infectious on common surfaces (books, desks, etc.) for several hours. There are steps you can take to avoid becoming infected and prevent the spread of the virus. Keep reading for tips to make your dorm and your college life safer.

Read from WIKIHOW

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Five Things Every Parent Should Do for Their Young Children

Babies are wonderful bundles of joy. They are easy to love. Nature has cunningly designed them to be irresistible. This helps new parents cope with the hardships of getting up at night and caring for their infant’s immediate needs, which tend to be food, drink, exhalation of wind and clean diapers. So far so good. It is the next part that is more difficult and which many parents flunk. As well as fulfilling their physical needs you have to cope with other important demands for growing children. Here are some key rules for those years from toddler to early school. As a parent you should definitely:

1. Spend time with your child.
The one thing you should never deny your child is your time. You should play with him or her. Talk and listen. Children need attention, communication and stimulation. Don’t lock them in the play pen or dump them in front of TV. Treat them with respect and with a great sense of playfulness.

2. Read to your child.
Just playing, eating, chatting or walking together is good but it is not enough. From an early age you should sit and read with your child. Reading helps develop language, understanding, verbal intelligence and a love of books. Picture books, nursery rhymes, fairy stories and all the old favorites are great. As your children get older listen to them read and discuss the stories and what they mean.

3. Set rules and say ‘No.’
Many parents indulge their kids, smother them with love and deny them nothing. But this is not doing you or the child any favors. Children have to learn the difference between right and wrong; and between safe and dangerous. You have to firmly correct them when they do bad things. You have to set rules and restrictions, explain them and make sure the child understands. Children get this quickly and they respect boundaries provided they are applied fairly and consistently.

4. Set a good example.
Children learn from those around them and especially their parents. If you swear, shout at your partner, kick the dog, leave a mess and don’t tidy up then why shouldn’t they? Teach them good manners and behavior through your actions as much as your words.

5. Encourage a healthy lifestyle.
Many of today’s teenagers who are obese couch-potatoes started with bad habits at an early age. Give your toddler fruit, vegetables and sugar-free drinks and he or she will grow up liking them. Encourage your children to walk, cycle and play and they will love exercise.
Children are a blessing and a privilege. Parenthood can and should be a source of happiness and wonderful fun. But it is also a duty; one of the most serious that you will ever undertake. Do it well and the benefits will last a lifetime.


Monday, September 14, 2009

Limit Your Exposure To Cell Phone Radiation

Four billion people around the globe own cell phones. As the market for new devices has grown, so have concerns about the safety of cell phone radiation.
Recent studies find significantly higher risks for brain and salivary gland tumors among people using cell phones for 10 years or longer. The state of the science is provocative and troubling, and much more research is essential.
We at Environmental Working Group are still using our cell phones, but we also believe that until scientists know much more about cell phone radiation, it’s smart for consumers to buy phones with the lowest emissions.
The U.S. government ought to require cell phone companies to label their products’ radiation output so that consumers can do the numbers at the point of sale.
It doesn’t, so EWG has created this user-friendly interactive online guide to cell phone emissions, covering over 1,000 phones currently on the market.
Read from EWG.ORG

Monday, September 7, 2009

Differences between Seasonal and H1N1 Flu Symptoms

Novel H1N1 Flu
Fever is usually present with the flu in up to 80% of all flu cases. A temperature of 100°F or higher for 3 to 4 days is associated with the flu.
A non-productive (non-mucus producing) cough is usually present with the flu (sometimes referred to as dry cough).
Severe aches and pains are common with the flu.
Stuffy nose is not commonly present with the flu.
60% of people who have the flu experience chills.
Tiredness is moderate to severe with the flu.
Sneezing is not common with the flu.
The flu has a rapid onset within 3-6 hours. The flu hits hard and includes sudden symptoms like high fever, aches and pains.
A headache is very common with the flu, present in 80% of flu cases.
Sore throat is not commonly present with the flu.
Chest discomfort is often severe with the flu.

Seasonal Flu
Fever is rare with a cold.
A hacking, productive (mucus- producing) cough is often present with a cold.
Slight body aches and pains can be part of a cold.
Stuffy nose is commonly present with a cold and typically resolves spontaneously within a week.
Chills are uncommon with a cold.
Tiredness is fairly mild with a cold.
Sneezing is commonly present with a cold.
Cold symptoms tend to develop over a few days.
A headache is fairly uncommon with a cold.
Sore throat is commonly present with a cold.
Chest discomfort is mild to moderate with a cold.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Portable Solar Charger Helps You Go Green

The world today is in mayhem, for it is filled with pollution and lack of proper power resources, and we have exploited the planet to its limits and now we face it’s wrath. The time has come to pay back all the debt we own to mother nature, each one of us has to go green, and to help us with this job we have the assistance of little things like this Freeloader Portable Solar Charger. This new age device helps us to slowly pay off our huge debt to the planet in simple and small installments.
Read on Walyou

Monday, August 24, 2009

Bringing Creativity Into Our Lives

There was a study conducted many years ago that had a profound impact on Mr. John; H was in fact staggered by what it had found. The study was a very simple one. The researchers asked a number of seven-year-olds if they considered themselves creative, and ninety-five percent answered that they did. They then asked a number of adults in their early to mid twenties the same question, and only seven percent replied that they thought they were creative. What had happened? How did the percentage drop from ninety-five percent to seven? What had happened to us as adults to change our perspective of ourselves? And what impact does it have on us when we think of ourselves as ‘not creative’? It can’t be positive. It must limit us, and that is unacceptable, especially since it is an illusion. We are all creative. We don’t lose creativity, just as we don’t forget how to ride a bike; it’s just that we’re out of practice at using it.

Read it from MindPower

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Telescopes to show universe soon after Big Bang

The Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT)—the product of more than a century of astronomical research and telescope-building by some of the world’s leading research institutions—will open a new window on the universe for the 21st century. Scheduled for completion around 2018, the GMT will have the resolving power of a 24.5-meter (80 foot) primary mirror—far larger than any other telescope ever built. It will answer many of the questions at the forefront of astrophysics today and will pose new and unanticipated riddles for future generations of astronomers.

Read From GMT

Thursday, June 4, 2009

How to Sustain Motivation when You're Struggling

Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal. - Henry Ford
Never, never, never, never give up. - Winston Churchill

After being motivated initially, there comes the second part - staying motivated when you don’t feel the same excitement as you did in the beginning. Perhaps something new has come into your life and your old goal isn’t as much of a priority anymore. Perhaps you skipped a day or two and now you can’t get back into it. Perhaps you screwed up and got discouraged.
If you can get yourself excited again, and keep going, you’ll get there eventually. But if you give up, you won’t. It’s your choice — accomplish the goal, or quit. Here’s how you can stop from quitting, and get to your goal.

Read from WikiHow

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Body Mass Index Calculator

Knowing your BMI is important, because the number indicates whether or not your weight is a threat to your health. The higher the BMI, the more health risks that you incur.
While it is generally accurate, the BMI can read too high for athletes or others with large, heavy muscles. Likewise, it can exaggerate low readings for frail older people who have lost muscle mass. The calculation is the same for both men and women.
Start by entering your information into the form below. After entering your height and weight, click the My BMI button to get your BMI number.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Resul Pookutty

Now Resul Pookutty is in Bombay, one among the first question was about Omkaram, the safronized media want Pookutty away from Muslim minds and at the same time they want the Muslims to keep him away from their mind.

We are living in non-Islam country, ruled and obeyed by non-islam laws, mingling with non-islam culture and friends, participating and enjoying most of non-Islamic events and programs. We had a Muslim president, media tried to keep him away from our mind, we kept him away just because he was exposed by media when he was mingling with a non-Islam culture, as I wrote on the top we are living in a non-Islamic culture, there will be overlapping and crossing of Islamic and non-Islamic culture in different groups and different people, why we should bother about it, are we talking about Islamic subjects, are we choosing them as our Muslim leaders?

What will be your feeling if Resul Pookutty was prostrating on Oscar stage, thank to Allah because he didn’t do that, it would be an insult to Allah if he do that, because the stage and the program is not Islamic and as per Islamic law the whole event is Haram, now we have to decide, are we happy to see Muslim names in the Terrorist, burglars, kidnappers, molesters name list of Media or you like to see names like Resul Pookutty, A.P.J Abulkalam, A.R Rahman, Shabana Azmy in the media as Muslims, this is the time to decide, if you don’t want to see them in successful Muslims list, then don’t cry because of the Muslim names in the burglars, kidnappers & corrupts list, just because there is no way out while living in this culture at least for now.

Resul Pookutty returns triumphant!

Abdul Latheef M

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Let us celebrate the Indian Muslim Oscar

Pookutty is a Muslim youth in Vilakupara Village the last born in a traditional Muslim family of 8 children. He was brought up according to Muslim culture, traditions and thus he is a Muslim.

I have seen Muslim names in the news media in the list of terrorists, kidnappers, gangsters, etc. Now a Muslim youngster from a traditionally Muslim family from Kerala reached the ultimate dream of an artist reach the height of an Oscan Award winner. I’m really happy as a Muslim and as the entire India witness it, are you not happy my dear Muslim friends in Kerala? I am sure you do not like to see Muslim names in the same rotten lists of the media. Now that a Muslim has achieved international success why don’t promote it. When you will wake up? We all should celebrate the success and happiness of the Oscar Award of all the Muslims who achieved it. Thus far I have not read a single e-mail about this year’s Oscar Award. What has happened to those who write pages and pages about our group fight?

He remembered Omkaram and Maha Shivarathri. We should appreciate him for that, because he remembered the traditions of the majority of the population who worship Omkaram and celebrate Maha Shivarathri. Moreover, he remembered the religion and the culture which taught him the Music. This is the making of a real gentleman who is very open to appreciate and acknowledge the Hindu Omkaram which is respected by hundreds of thousands of Hindus in India and by doing that he has shown respect to our India.

Come on! don’t be so narrow minded, be open minded, let us all celebrate the success of a Muslim at least because he is a Muslim and he seen in a positive light throughout the world.

Resul Pookutty makes India proud

Abdul Latheef M

Monday, February 23, 2009

Rasul Pookutty & AR Rahman wins OSCAR Award 2009

As an Indian and as a Keralite I'm very happy to see that Mr. Rasul Pookutty & AR Rahman wins OSCAR award 2009 for their contribution in Slumdog Millionaire, I like to remember them as Muslims just because whenever there are bad thing happeneds around the world from Muslims his religion is exposed, now two Muslims won the greatest award on the Globe and why can’t we expose their religion, I thank Mr. Rasul Pookutty and AR Rahman as a Muslim and as an Indian for their greatest contributions to the history of our India
Resul Pookutty makes history by getting Oscar honor
Resul Pookutty wins Oscar award

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Man killed after his mobile phone explodes, severing an artery in his neck

A shopworker has died after his mobile phone exploded, severing a major artery in his neck.
It is believed that the 20-year-old man had just finished charging the phone’s battery before placing it in his breast pocket.
Police in Guangzhou, China, are investigating whether the phone was counterfeit.
The man, believed to be an employee at a computer shop in Guangzhou, China, died after putting a new battery in his phone.
Local Chinese daily Shin Min Daily News reported that on January 30 at 7.30pm a shop employee heard a loud bang - and saw her colleague lying on the floor in a pool of blood.
Alarmingly, local reports claimed the incident was the ninth recorded mobile phone explosion in China since 2002.
In June 2007 welder Xiao Jinpeng, 22, died from chest wounds when his own mobile exploded while at work at a mill.
A government inquiry said the phone's lithium battery had exploded due to heat from the mill.
Also in 2007 a South Korean man was found dead in a quarry with a burning mobile phone stuck to his chest. It was initially thought his phone had exploded, killing him.
However a co-worker later admitted to making the story up after he accidentally backed over the man in an excavator, pinning him to a rock and killing him.


How to Take A Good Picture On Your Camera Phone

Whether it be a random, spur-of-the-moment snapshot or well-thought-out compositions, a camera phone is a valuable tool for photography. Often, the most inspiring pictures occur in everyday life when you do not have a standard camera with you. The phone that you are carrying in your pocket can capture those impromptu photo moments when it's impractical or impossible to have your SLR or other camera with you at all times. And, if you know their limitations, it is possible to take great, memorable pictures on your camera phone.

Read from WiKiHow

കേരളത്തിൽ വൃക്ക രോഗികൾ കൂടുന്നു: ശാസ്ത്രവും കാരണങ്ങളും.

മികച്ച ആരോഗ്യ സംവിധാനവും ഉയർന്ന ആയുസ്സും ഉള്ള കേരളത്തിൽ വൃക്ക രോഗികളുടെ എണ്ണം ഞെട്ടിക്കുന്ന വേഗത്തിൽ വർധിക്കുന്നു. സംസ്ഥാനത്ത് 50,000 ത്തിലധ...