Thursday, February 26, 2009

Resul Pookutty

Now Resul Pookutty is in Bombay, one among the first question was about Omkaram, the safronized media want Pookutty away from Muslim minds and at the same time they want the Muslims to keep him away from their mind.

We are living in non-Islam country, ruled and obeyed by non-islam laws, mingling with non-islam culture and friends, participating and enjoying most of non-Islamic events and programs. We had a Muslim president, media tried to keep him away from our mind, we kept him away just because he was exposed by media when he was mingling with a non-Islam culture, as I wrote on the top we are living in a non-Islamic culture, there will be overlapping and crossing of Islamic and non-Islamic culture in different groups and different people, why we should bother about it, are we talking about Islamic subjects, are we choosing them as our Muslim leaders?

What will be your feeling if Resul Pookutty was prostrating on Oscar stage, thank to Allah because he didn’t do that, it would be an insult to Allah if he do that, because the stage and the program is not Islamic and as per Islamic law the whole event is Haram, now we have to decide, are we happy to see Muslim names in the Terrorist, burglars, kidnappers, molesters name list of Media or you like to see names like Resul Pookutty, A.P.J Abulkalam, A.R Rahman, Shabana Azmy in the media as Muslims, this is the time to decide, if you don’t want to see them in successful Muslims list, then don’t cry because of the Muslim names in the burglars, kidnappers & corrupts list, just because there is no way out while living in this culture at least for now.

Resul Pookutty returns triumphant!

Abdul Latheef M

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Let us celebrate the Indian Muslim Oscar

Pookutty is a Muslim youth in Vilakupara Village the last born in a traditional Muslim family of 8 children. He was brought up according to Muslim culture, traditions and thus he is a Muslim.

I have seen Muslim names in the news media in the list of terrorists, kidnappers, gangsters, etc. Now a Muslim youngster from a traditionally Muslim family from Kerala reached the ultimate dream of an artist reach the height of an Oscan Award winner. I’m really happy as a Muslim and as the entire India witness it, are you not happy my dear Muslim friends in Kerala? I am sure you do not like to see Muslim names in the same rotten lists of the media. Now that a Muslim has achieved international success why don’t promote it. When you will wake up? We all should celebrate the success and happiness of the Oscar Award of all the Muslims who achieved it. Thus far I have not read a single e-mail about this year’s Oscar Award. What has happened to those who write pages and pages about our group fight?

He remembered Omkaram and Maha Shivarathri. We should appreciate him for that, because he remembered the traditions of the majority of the population who worship Omkaram and celebrate Maha Shivarathri. Moreover, he remembered the religion and the culture which taught him the Music. This is the making of a real gentleman who is very open to appreciate and acknowledge the Hindu Omkaram which is respected by hundreds of thousands of Hindus in India and by doing that he has shown respect to our India.

Come on! don’t be so narrow minded, be open minded, let us all celebrate the success of a Muslim at least because he is a Muslim and he seen in a positive light throughout the world.

Resul Pookutty makes India proud

Abdul Latheef M

Monday, February 23, 2009

Rasul Pookutty & AR Rahman wins OSCAR Award 2009

As an Indian and as a Keralite I'm very happy to see that Mr. Rasul Pookutty & AR Rahman wins OSCAR award 2009 for their contribution in Slumdog Millionaire, I like to remember them as Muslims just because whenever there are bad thing happeneds around the world from Muslims his religion is exposed, now two Muslims won the greatest award on the Globe and why can’t we expose their religion, I thank Mr. Rasul Pookutty and AR Rahman as a Muslim and as an Indian for their greatest contributions to the history of our India
Resul Pookutty makes history by getting Oscar honor
Resul Pookutty wins Oscar award

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Man killed after his mobile phone explodes, severing an artery in his neck

A shopworker has died after his mobile phone exploded, severing a major artery in his neck.
It is believed that the 20-year-old man had just finished charging the phone’s battery before placing it in his breast pocket.
Police in Guangzhou, China, are investigating whether the phone was counterfeit.
The man, believed to be an employee at a computer shop in Guangzhou, China, died after putting a new battery in his phone.
Local Chinese daily Shin Min Daily News reported that on January 30 at 7.30pm a shop employee heard a loud bang - and saw her colleague lying on the floor in a pool of blood.
Alarmingly, local reports claimed the incident was the ninth recorded mobile phone explosion in China since 2002.
In June 2007 welder Xiao Jinpeng, 22, died from chest wounds when his own mobile exploded while at work at a mill.
A government inquiry said the phone's lithium battery had exploded due to heat from the mill.
Also in 2007 a South Korean man was found dead in a quarry with a burning mobile phone stuck to his chest. It was initially thought his phone had exploded, killing him.
However a co-worker later admitted to making the story up after he accidentally backed over the man in an excavator, pinning him to a rock and killing him.


How to Take A Good Picture On Your Camera Phone

Whether it be a random, spur-of-the-moment snapshot or well-thought-out compositions, a camera phone is a valuable tool for photography. Often, the most inspiring pictures occur in everyday life when you do not have a standard camera with you. The phone that you are carrying in your pocket can capture those impromptu photo moments when it's impractical or impossible to have your SLR or other camera with you at all times. And, if you know their limitations, it is possible to take great, memorable pictures on your camera phone.

Read from WiKiHow

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